Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

0.facebook.com and Advantages

Facebook Zaro, 0.facebook.comWhen talking about 0.Facebook.Com Free Mobile Facebook , now is the time we share about the advantages of Facebook Zero or Facebook 0. The advantages 0.Facebook.Com is twofold. As I explain in writing 0.Facebook.Com Free Mobile Facebook is the speed and the use of which is free.

By accessing Facebook 0 you can enjoy various facilities such as Facebook, updating status, reading News Feeds, comment or simply 'Like' a thing, send and reply to messages, write on your Wall relations, and various facilities which can be found on Facebook.com , but to speed up access, 0.facebook.com not display photos directly, you have to click on the image to see it, and if you do this then you will be charged data access.

The second advantage, all access to Facebook 0, free. In collaboration with various operators, Facebook 0 can be accessed for free at no charge, users will be charged if they access the image or access other sites and out of 0.facebook.com, for example a link from your relationship on Facebook. There will be a notification that contains information about the imposition of fees, each time the user out of 0.facebook.com.

Given the bundling promotion Facebook and mobile phone operator or vendor is very intense, and our users are addicted to Facebook, this step may not be very influential, especially for those who are used to access the mobile version of Facebook or use the touchscreen and Opera Mobile are able to compress data so that costs could be cheaper, but apparently the operators as well as more targeted Facebook users a new in many countries, particularly Indonesia, which its market share is still wide open, and free image, which is favored by users of this country, will be able to attract more new users.

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